The grower has the need to determine when to stop drying so that they can achieve a 10% moisture content.

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Reid Instruments

Reid Instruments, located in Walla Walla, Washington, and specializes in Automation, Instrumentation and Controls for Agriculture, Food Processing and Industrial Customers.

Reid Instruments Developed the MOIST-VU DL6000 and DL4000 in 2008. These important instruments measure moisture in agricultural crops and other loose organic materials while they are drying in the kiln. The MOIST-VU technology takes the guesswork out of determining the moisture of hops and malted barley when drying in Kilns With embedded Microwave technology from Hyrdonix.View our products below for a complete list of services and technology offered by Reid Instruments. Contact us to discuss our services and technologies in more detail.

Under the above paragraph shows the images of 4 products we sell. To the far right is the old analog G-34 Hop Bale Moisture Meter. Replace this image with an image of the latest digital FX-30 Hop Bale Moisture. I gave you a brochure of this meter on my last visit. I have attached with this email a photo image of the meter for you to use here. I could drop by your office and leave a meter with you to take a photo image in your office if you don’t think the image I sent you is good enough to use. Just like the other 3 products, when you click on the "Read More" it will take you to that products current screen but replace the description with the in on the brochure I left with you on the new FX-30.

Moist-VU DL6000

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Moist-VU DL4000

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RTM Tank Monitor

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Reid Instruments provides sales/service and Calibration services for Delhhorst Hand Held Moisture Measurement products. We stock new meters, probes and associated parts